Website Usage Disclaimer

By accessing the Mahala Minute website, Users agree to the following Website Usage Terms.


The content of this website is subject to copyright protection. Reproduction of the content, or any part of it, is prohibited without prior written consent issued by Mahala Minute.

Conditions of use

    1. Introduction
      • These terms and conditions (“the Terms and Conditions”) are binding on all persons that access the website (“the Website”) without exception. By entering the Website, the person accessing the Websites (“the Use”) agrees to be bound by, and shall be deemed to have accepted, these Terms and Conditions, which the User acknowledges to have read and understood. If the User does not agree to any of the Terms and Conditions, the User may not enter, the Website.
      • Mahala Minute may from time to time amend these Terms and Conditions without notice to the User. The User’s continued use of the Website shall constitute the User’s agreement to the amended Terms and Conditions.
    2. Intellectual Property
      • The Website is owned by Mahala Minute, and the User acknowledges that Mahala Minute is the proprietor of all intellectual property subsisting in, pertaining to, or used on the Website, including, without limitation, copyright, trademarks, patents, inventions, goodwill, and trade secrets (“the Intellectual Property”).
    3. Website Use
      • The User may not, without Mahala Minute’s express written consent, use, reproduce, adapt, distribute, publish or in any other way deal or interfere with the Intellectual Property or the Website contents.
      • The User shall not infect the Websites with code of any description that has malicious or destructive properties. The User shall not damage, interfere with, or intercept any data or information contained on the Website.
      • Mahala Minute reserves the right to make any changes to the Website and its content at any time and without notice.
    4. No Warranties or Liabilities
      • Mahala Minute does not warrant that the Website is free of viruses or any other code that has malicious, contaminating or destructive properties.
      • The User accepts all responsibility and risk for the use of the Website. Mahala Minute shall not be liable for any loss, injury, damage, cost, penalty, or claim resulting from the use of the Website, whether direct or indirect, and whether or not Mahala Minute has been advised of or has knowledge of the possibility of such loss, injury, damage, cost, penalty or claim.
      • The User hereby indemnifies Mahala Minute and holds it harmless against any and all liability, loss, damage, penalty, cost or claim of whatsoever nature suffered by any third party in relation to any act or omission by the User in relation to the Website and the use thereof by the User, and/or arising from the provisions of these Terms and Conditions.
    5. Website Privacy Policy
      • Certain information regarding the User can be obtained automatically as the User navigates through the Website. This includes, but is not limited to, the User’s internet protocol address, internet browsing software and domain. This assists Mahala Minute to manage the Website and provide functionality. Mahala Minute may use this information for internal purposes but will not provide it to any third parties. Refer to the Privacy Policy.
    6. Governing Law

The Terms and Conditions and the User’s use of the Websites shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of South Africa.  The User irrevocably and unconditionally consents to the jurisdiction of the courts of the Republic of South Africa in regard to all matters arising from these Terms and Conditions or the User’s use of the Websites